About Us
Our Kaupapa
We are an incorporated Māori Health and Social Service community based provider. We provide health and social services that are conducive to the needs of Māori.
We implement the philosophies and values of:
Mana Atua – Spiritual concepts
Mana Tangata – Peoples concepts
Mana Whenua – Resource concepts
Into our mahi and whare
We embrace and employ these concepts to address, promote and support the holistic well-being of individuals and their whanau. At times we use the services of spiritual healers, Kuia and Koroua.
Tikanga practices have the potential to bring mental, spiritual and physical well-being to people.
Our strategic service delivery is one of encouraging and supporting individuals to take positive control of their destiny.

Our Logo’s Story
The logo depicts the spiritual and physical being of a person moving through the physical world into the spiritual worlds gathering Matauranga (knowledge) as the journey unfolds.
The Manaia represents Te Ira Atua (the spiritual being), and Te Ira Tangata (the physical being).
The curved pattern represents the journey from the physical into the spiritual realms (Te Kahui o te Rangi).
The indentations of the curved pattern are the Rua (the reciprocals of knowledge.
The straight lines represent the western influences.
He kaporeihana matou i roto i te Hapori Hauora me te Ratonga Hapori. Ka whakaratohia e matou nga ratonga hauora me te hapori e pai ana ki nga hiahia o te iwi Maori.
Ka whakatinanahia e matou nga whakaaro me nga uara o:
Mana Atua – Nga whakaaro wairua
Mana Atua – Nga whakaaro wairua
Mana Whenua – Resource concepts
Into our mahi and whare
Ka awhi, ka whakamahia e matou enei ariā ki te whakatika, ki te whakatairanga me te tautoko i te oranga o te katoa o te tangata me o ratou whanau. I etahi wa ka whakamahia e matou nga ratonga a nga tohunga whakaora wairua, a Kuia me Koroua.
Ko nga tikanga tikanga ka whai oranga ngakau, wairua me te oranga tinana ki te tangata.
Ko ta matou tuku ratonga rautaki tetahi o te akiaki me te tautoko i nga tangata takitahi ki te whakahaere pai i o raatau mutunga.

Our Logo’s Story
Ko te moko e whakaatu ana i te taha wairua me te taha tinana o te tangata e neke haere ana i te ao kikokiko ki roto i nga ao wairua e kohikohi ana i te Matauranga (mohiotanga) i a ia e haere ana.
The Manaia represents Te Ira Atua (the spiritual being), and Te Ira Tangata (the physical being).
Ko te tauira kopikopiko e tohu ana i te haerenga mai i te tinana ki te ao wairua (Te Kahui o te Rangi).
The indentations of the curved pattern are the Rua (the reciprocals of knowledge.
Ko nga raina tika e tohu ana i nga awe o te hauauru.

6 Wolseley Street
P O Box 1493
03 4774670
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